Gyuseok Kim

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Gyuseok Kim
Title Principal Scientist,
GSF Program Manager
Responsibilities Education,
Phone 215-746-3507 (office)
Office 115 Singh


Role in the QNF

Gyuseok Kim is the Director of Workforce Development at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology at the University of Pennsylvania. He manages the graduate student fellow (GSF) program that is designed to give Penn Master’s students hands-on processing experiences through the fabrication of devices in the cleanroom. He manages Nanotechnology Master’s degree program. He also runs various training and outreach programs for K-12, undergraduates, graduates, and underrepresented minorities (URM), such as the internship for the Community College of Philadelphia, NanoDay, and Semiconductor and Nanotechnology Initiatives at Penn (SNIP). He is an instructor of ESE 5360 and ESAP Nanotechnology courses. Prior to joining Singh Center, he worked at Penn as a postdoctoral fellow, at Samsung Electro-Mechanics as a senior engineer, and at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht in Germany as a research assistant.


Gyuseok received a Ph.D. from Grenoble INP in France in 2011, MS and BS from Seoul National University in South Korea in 2005 and 2007.