Oxford 80 Plus RIE

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Oxford 80 Plus RIE
Tool Name Oxford 80 Plus RIE
Instrument Type Etch
Staff Manager Sam Azadi
Lab Location Bay 2
Tool Manufacturer Oxford Instruments
Tool Model 80+
NEMO Designation DE-04
Lab Phone 215-898-9748


Oxford 80 Plus is an anisotropic dry etch tool. The main use of this tool is to etch SiO2, and SiNx to create hard masks for deep Si etch. However, it etches many other materials, including a variety of resists. The tool is connected to the following gases: Ar, O2, CF4, CHF3, SF6.

The plasma is ignited by the oscillating electric field created by the RF power at 13.56 MHz. The wafer is cooled down via passive cooling through a graphite chuck.

  • Etch of SiO2
  • Etch of SiNx
  • Etch of Si
  • Etch of resist

The following materials are not allowed in the chamber

- Au, Ag, PZT, Pt, ZnO, ITO, Pb, Zn, In, Ni

The following materials can not be exposed to plasma in the chamber

- SU-8, Cyclone, Polyimide

Standard Process Information

Etch Rate

Recipe parameters are defined in the reports above. - all rates are calculated from a full 4" wafers, small features may have lower etch rate.

Etch rate of...

  • PECVD oxide and nitride are listed in the reports below.
  • thermal SiO2 using CF4 recipe: 48 nm/min
  • thermal SiO2 using CHF3/O2 recipe: 45 nm/min
  • LPCVD SiNx using CF4 recipe: 60 nm/min, DV bias 420 V - measured on 07/29/2024
  • LPCVD SiNx using CHF3/O2 recipe: 45 nm/min, DC bias 410 V - measured on 03/05/2024

PECVD SiO2 via CHF3 + O 2

PECVD SiNx via CHF3 + O 2


SOPs & Troubleshooting